حكومة البشير ترفض بيان الترويكا المندد بقصف المدنين

انتقدت حكومة عمر البشير بيان مجموعة دول الترويكا الصادر فى 27 مايو الجارى الذى ندد بالقصف الجوى الحكومى على مناطق بجبال النوبه جنوب كردفان راح ضحيته العديد من المدنين ووصفت بيان الترويكا بالمنحاز وغير المتوازن,
جاء ذلك عبر بيان سفارة عمر البشير فى واشنطن الاحد وقالت بان دول الترويكا (بريطانيا - النرويج- الولايات المتحدة الامريكية) "عمدت الى تكرار ذات المواقف السالبة القديمة تجاه السودان واعتبرت السفارة ان بيان الترويكا لا يساعد فى عملية السلام ويرسل اشارات سالبة للحركات المسلحة لمواصلة قصفها الهمجى ضد المدنين دون عواقب" على حسب ما ورد فى بيان السفارة وشددت السفارة ان موقف الحكومة هو "مواصلة عملية الحوار والمفاوضات لتحقيق السلام فى المنطقنين النيل الازرق وجنوب كردفان" واضاف البيان انه على الرغم من مواقف دول الترويكا من خارطة طريق امبيكى التى وقعت عليها الحكومة منفردة مؤخرا باثيوبيا الا انها اى دول الترويكا لم تقد خطوات قوية لدفع الحركات المسلحة للتوقيع على خارطة امبيكى التى رفضتها الحركات.
ادناه نص بيان السفارة باللغة الانجليزية :
The Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan - Washington DC

Press Release

29th May 2016

Inaccuracy, and biased positions of Troika would not help innocents in South Kurdofan and Blue Nile

The Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan   expresses its deep regret for the latest statement issued by the Troika  (USA - UK - Norway) on 27th of May 2016, on the situation in South Kurdofan. - The biased and unbalanced statement by the group has just repeated the old positions that don't help bring peace to the people of the two areas, and only send the same negative signals to the rebels to continue their barbaric behavior in attacking innocent civilians without facing any consequences.
The Government of the Republic of the Sudan while confirming its commitment to the negotiations and dialogue as the only way for peace settlement in the two areas, expects clearer position from Troika towards the Road Map  by applying pressure on rebel movements who refused to sign it, sparing no efforts to impede peace process and dialogue in Sudan.
The Troika statement mentioned the Road Map but still there is a lack for strong position and firm commitment towards it.
The claims mentioned in Troika's latest statement about the expulsion of the Head of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Sudan  is completely inaccurate. The acting official was granted his work permission in January 2014 on the basis of transitional period, the Government has renewed his stay permit for extra period ends in June 2016 waiting for a new nomination for the position and still waiting for that.
The Government of Sudan while reiterating its keenness to work with the UN agencies in the humanitarian field has the full right to evaluate the performance of UN officials and their level of cooperation.
The Humanitarian Aid Commission in Sudan (HAC) has presented in its recent statement a brief assessment for the work period of the  UN official that witnessed tension in the relations and lack cooperation.
The official concerned was requested to be issued a provisional stay permit in his capacity as ACTING head of OCHA Mission in Sudan. Though the said status remained as is up to date, the Sudanese authorities  fully cooperated with him and secured renewals of his  tentative stay permit. However, ahead of the upcoming renewal , OCHA was advised of the situation. That step should in no way construed as rejection of the presence of this UN organ in Sudan or the appointment of a new resident head of it.

Embassy of the Sudan
Washington DC

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