During the month of July 2016, SUDO (UK)’s network of human rights monitors have reported and verified 66 incidents relating to the abuse of human rights across Sudan involving eight Sudanese states.
Enclosed within the 66 reports, SUDO (UK) has assessed that forces under the direct control of the Government of Sudan[1] were responsible for 32 instances of human rights abuses, whilst forces categorised as Janjaweed and/or pro-government[2] were responsible for 30 abuses. The Armed Opposition movements[3] were accountable for four abuses, whilst members of a Nuweiba ethnic militia were responsible for one instance. In total, 67 actors were identified as perpetrators within the 66 reports.
The 66 reports further detail the following: the death of 31 civilians including 10 minors; the injury of 47 persons; the rape of 17 women including seven minors (one woman died from injuries sustained during the rape); 28 arrests; nine incidents of kidnapping (including one by the RSF after injuring a civilian); four instances of aerial bombardment utilising no less than 84 bombs including explosive bombs and barrel bombs directly targeting 11 civilian villages; and 12 instances relating to a clampdown on journalists and media outlets including seven newspaper confiscations, two newspaper suspensions and two opening of investigations against journalists and newspapers.
This report highlights continued government bombardment in Darfur through the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Sudanese Air Force, as well as continual government repression against civil society and media institutions.



Monitors submitted three reports (one in North Darfur and two in South Darfur) pertaining to aerial bombardments in Darfur. Enclosed within the reports were the confirmed deaths of six civilians, including four children (aged 8, 8, 11 and 12), and the injury of a 30 year-old civilian. The aerial bombardments targeted 11 civilian villages and utilised no less than 74 bombs, including explosive and barrel bombs.
Meanwhile, monitors submitted a further two reports on artillery bombardment by the Sudanese Armed Forces in South Darfur. Such bombardments resulted in the death of four civilians, including two 5 year-old twin brothers who were on their family’s farm located 5km west of Funga Al-Garia when the artillery hit.
In addition to the civilian casualties, the bombardments have caused the destruction of civilian homes and a mosque, as well as vast tracts of farmland and livestock which are so essential for civilian livelihoods. Statistics alone cannot convey the psychological effect that these bombardments have on civilians and the resulting panic that accompanies the sound of aircraft.
In Blue Nile, monitors reported one instance of aerial bombardment in spite of President Al-Bashir’s unilateral ceasefire declaration the previous month. The Sudanese Air Force dropped 10 explosive bombs on Amora area located in Gissan locality resulting in the death of livestock and the destruction of farmland. Fortunately no civilian casualties were reported. In addition to the breaking of the ceasefire in Blue Nile, SUDO (UK) monitors furthermore submitted a report concerning bombardments conducted by the Sudanese Armed Forces garrison in Al Dandoor, South Kordofan, against SPLM-N forces. The SPLM-N forces were seeking to take advantage of the rainy conditions to reposition themselves around Kadugli. However, no actual fighting took place.


Monitors have submitted 18 reports over the month of July relating to attacks against free speech and freedom of assembly.
Six of the 18 reports concern direct attacks on civil society. On two occasions, the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) prevented the convening of political seminars in Khartoum. The first concerned the presentation of the Sudan Shadow Government’s budget, whilst the second seminar was organised by the Reform Now Movement to discuss the aftermath of the attempted coup in Turkey. In another incident relating to freedom of assembly, riot police raided the El Mahas club in Khartoum using excessive force to break up a members meeting. During the raid the police locked the doors and fired tear gas into the building before entering and beating the participants, many of whom were elderly. In total 16 persons were arrested, 14 of which have been subsequently charged with offences including breaching the peace and causing a public disturbance.
Such restrictions continued to take place in the peripheral areas including Darfur and Gedaref. Seven civilians were arrested in Nertiti, Central Darfur, on the 31st July following their meeting with Donald Booth, the United States Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan. During the meeting they spoke candidly about their situation and ongoing events in Darfur. They were consequently detained shortly after by NISS officials. Similarly, a religious scholar was arrested in Geneina, West Darfur, following his earlier criticism of the Border Guards and the lack of government response to the incidents in Azernai, Um Tajok and Mouli. The Governor of West Darfur state used his powers in accordance with the Emergency Laws of the region to exile the scholar from Geneina and to sentence him to one years’ imprisonment, without trial, in Al-Huda prison situated in Omdurman. Meanwhile peaceful demonstrations in Gedaref, over the lack of government support for families who have lost their homes as a result of the flooding, were met with a number of arrests and fines for those involved.
The remaining 12 reports focussed exclusively on the continuing government clampdown on the media. There were seven reports on newspaper confiscations affecting the following newspapers: Al-Jareeda (x 2); Al-Tagheer (x2); Akhir Lahza (x2); and Al-Sahya. The newspaper confiscations occur post-print to ensure maximal financial pressure on media outlets. It is hoped that such pressure will either push the newspapers to appropriately toe the arbitrary lines set by the government and security services, or to push those critical of the government into financial ruin.
As well as newspaper confiscations, the Press and Publication Committee/Courts prevented the publication of Al-Jareeda newspaper on two separate occasions over the month of July for a total of four days. The first suspension occurred on the 1st July as punishment for the newspaper publishing an article in the column “Behind the News” that was deemed too critical and libellous of the Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electricity. The second suspension was for a total of three days following the publication of an announcement in the newspaper that was against the possible sale of the University of Khartoum’s premises to foreign investors.
The use of restrictive laws governing media behaviour in Sudan were additionally used in July against specific journalists. The Press and Publications Court continued proceedings against Al-Hidibi Yassin following an article he wrote over a year ago on the sale of Ismail Al-Azhari’s home, the first leader of an independent Sudan, whilst the court opened investigations into Suad Al-Khidir following an article published in Al-Jareeda newspaper on the 18th June 2016 on the prevalence of corruption in Omdurman locality. Similarly the NISS called Hassan Faroug, a noted sports journalist, into their offices to discuss his radio show where he accused the government of interfering with the Sudanese Football Federation’s election.



The Sudanese Air Force dropped seven explosive bombs on two villages located in East Jebel Marra. The villages of Lobi and Watrang, situated 10km south-west of Fanga, were attacked leading to the death of three persons including two children from Lobi village and the death of livestock, as well as the destruction of a number of houses and tracts of farmland.. The deceased were named by monitors as:
  1. Hawa Suliman Hamid, f, 11, Fur;
  2. Mustafa Yagoub, m, 8, Fur;
  3. Maymona Salih Suliman, f, 75.
The incident was reported to the Sudanese Armed Forces.

Janjaweed militiamen attacked seven civilians in Gargor village, which is situated 15km from Kebkabeyia. The militiamen beat the civilians following their refusal to hand over their mobile phones and money. The victims were identified as:
  1. Badr El-Dien Abdullah, m, 24, Fur;
  2. Haroun Abdullah, m, 26, Fur;
  3. Hawa Abakar Mohamed, f, 21, Fur;
  4. Andelatif Musa, m, 22, Fur;
  5. Abdelmotaleb Siddig, m, 25. Fur;
  6. Nur El-Dien Younis, 28, m, Fur;
  7. Adam Haroun, 31, m, Fur.
The militiamen in question are under the overall command and control structure of Musa Hilal and they were travelling from Mustriha village towards Kebkabeyia.
The victims received treatment at a local medical facility and the incident was reported to the police.

Three Janjaweed militiamen shot a displaced man by the name of Jala El-Din Ali Adam, a 30 year-old Tunjur from Fatta Barno IDP camp, and looted his mobile phone. The victim was taken to a local medical facility for treatment and the incident was reported to the police.
The militiamen in question are from the Janjaweed militia commanded by Hafiz Daoud, a resident of Damrat Al-Sheikh situated in Kutum locality.

A Janjaweed militiaman shot dead a 25 year-old student in Birkat Sayra market, situated in Saraf Omra locality. Witnesses state the militiamen shot 10 bullets into the head of Fadul Haroun Yusuf, before escaping back to his garrison. The perpetrator is under the command of Mahmoud Saeed Ahmed.
Following the attack, the residents of the village went to see the militia’s Commander to report the incident. The Commander refused to hand over the perpetrator leading to peaceful protests in the village. The incident has been reported to the local police.
Fadul Haroun Yusuf was a 25 year-old student at the University of Nyala and a member of the Fur ethnic group.

Pro-government militiamen numbering some 50 persons dressed in military uniform and riding aboard seven Land Cruiser vehicles and 10 camels forced their livestock, estimated at 700 camels, onto civilian farms in the villages of Krofela, Kator, Dali and Namrah. Upon arrival the militiamen opened fire on the farmers forcing their displacement and abandonment of their farms.

The Rapid Support Forces assaulted a number of civilians in their farms in Dobo Al-Omda after arriving to the area from Nyala via Manawashi (see South Darfur incident on the 14th July 2016). Various groups of militiamen beat the civilians using their hands and rifles, whilst some cut their victims using knives. Monitors were able to fully investigate two cases during which civilians were injured. The two women, aged 30 and 45 respectively, were targeted in separate attacks. They have since received treatment at local medical facilities and the incidents have been reported to the police.

Seven Janjaweed militiamen attacked three displaced persons on their farms situated in Fatta Barno IDP camp and looted their water pumps. The victims, two men and one woman, were tortured, tied up and beaten with whips. The victims were identified as:
  1. Abdullah Ibrahim Adam, 45, Tunjur;
  2. Abakar Ishag, 42, Tunjur;
  3. Niemat Abdullah Mohamed, f, 47, Tunjur.
The militiamen first attacked the farms of Abdullah Ibrahim Adam and Abakar Ishag located in the east of the camp before moving onto the farm of Niemat Abdullah Mohamed in the north of the camp.
The incident was reported to the police.

Five Janjaweed militiamen assaulted and beat seven women and girls in their farms situated in Um Qagi, which is located 15km from Tabit. Two of those assaulted, aged 16 and 17 respectively, were furthermore alternately raped over a three hour ordeal by the militiamen. The other five women escaped back to their village to inform their relatives and neighbours about the ongoing attack. When the villagers arrived to the scene the perpetrators had already fled. The two girls were taken to a local medical facility for treatment and the incident was reported to the police.

Three pro-government militiamen assaulted, shot, and looted the possessions of a civilian in his home situated in Um Qagi, located 15km from Tabit. The injured man was identified by monitors as Ahmed El-Noor, and he has since undergone treatment at a local medical facility.


A named civilian, aged 35 years-old, raped a displaced woman inside a club in El-Soog neighbourhood situated in Kass Town. The victim received treatment at a local medical facility and the incident was reported to the police by the victim’s father, prompting the perpetrator’s arrest.
The following day the perpetrator was released without any further investigation. In response, the victim’s father sought revenge against the perpetrator and fired 10 shots at his person, all of which missed the target. The father has since been arrested by the police and the perpetrator of the rape remains free.

The Sudanese Armed Forces stationed in Deribat locality indiscriminately bombarded civilian areas in all directions using mortars and Katyusha rockets. The bombardments killed two displaced persons named as:
  1. Halima Ibrahim Ahmed, 25;
  2. Sadia Hamid Suleiman, 32.
The bombardment furthermore destroyed vast tracts of farmland, gardens, and spread fear amongst the civilian population.

Pro-government militiamen numbering 10 persons dressed in military uniform and riding camels committed two attacks against civilians in both South Darfur and Central Darfur.
During the first attack the militiamen opened fire on a displaced man by the name of Amir Abdullah Yagoub in Nertiti causing serious injury. The victim has since received treatment at a local medical facility.
The same militiamen then opened fire on a civilian vehicle travelling from Tor to Nertiti causing the injury of two persons named as:
  1. Al-Tayib Yahiya Muhajir;
  2. Issa Abdullah Khamis.
The militiamen furthermore looted the vehicle. The injured persons received treatment and the incident was reported to the police.

Five heavily armed pro-government militiamen, dressed in military uniform and riding camels, raped two minors in Tritir village, which is located 3km south-west of Tanjar Dam.
One woman and two minors, aged 14, 17 and 25 respectively, were collecting firewood outside of the village when they were attacked by the militiamen. One of the women, aged 25, was able to flee the perpetrators and she ran towards the village on order to alert the others. The minors, aged 14 and 17, were caught and then raped. They were later found by local villagers severely injured on the road between Tritir village and Tanjar Dam. The victims received treatment at the local hospital and the incident was reported to the police.

The Sudanese Armed Forces bombarded the outskirts of Kagaro village leading to the death of two 5 year-old twin brothers in their farm located 5km west of Funga Al-Garia. The boys were named as:
  1. Hassan Hamed Salih, 5;
  2. Hussein Hamid Salih, 5.

Seven pro-government militiamen, dressed in military uniform and riding camels, abducted a 35 year-old displaced man named Yahiya Salih from his farm situated 7km away from Mashru Abu Zayd.
The militiamen fired into the air and assaulted the man before taking him to an unknown destination.

Three Janjaweed militiamen dressed in military uniform and walking on foot raped a 27 year-old woman from the Tha’alba ethnic group as she was on her way to her farm from her home in Al-Gardood village, situated 25km east of Kass locality.
The victim was raped multiple times by the three militiamen before they left the scene. The woman was found by farmers who took her to her home where she was then taken to the hospital for treatment.

Three Janjaweed militiamen dressed in military uniform and riding camels assaulted and raped a 26 year-old displaced woman in her farm situated in Jamizuh Kawmura, which is located 15km from Kass.
The victim was raped multiple time over a three hour period from 10:00 until 13:00. She was found by villagers and was then taken to a local hospital for treatment. The incident has been reported to the police.

Five Janjaweed militiamen dressed in military uniform and riding camels assaulted and raped a 40 year-old woman from the Fur ethnic group in Kasunqi village, located a few kilometres west of Kass. The victim was found by her relatives and taken to a local hospital for treatment before being transferred to another medical facility due to her deteriorating condition. The victim died as a result of the injuries she sustained in the attack.

Three Janjaweed militiamen, dressed in military uniform and riding camels, opened fire and injured a 30 year-old displaced woman and her 9 year-old daughter in their farm situated 1km from Nertiti. The militiamen arrived firing their weapons into the air and threatening to rape both the mother and daughter. When they attempted to rape the mother she resisted leading the militiamen to open fire. The mother was shot in her right leg. During the same incident the 9 year-old daughter was shot in the back. The militiamen looted the family’s donkey and other possessions before leaving.
The victims were found by neighbours after they heard the gunshots and were taken to the local hospital for treatment.

Members of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) looted several stores in the market in Manawashi prompting a short exchange of gunfire between the RSF and the guards paid to protect the market.
Some 500 RSF militiamen left Nyala at 09:00 towards Rokoro in Jebel Marra. On their way they stopped at Manawashi town aboard a large number of Land Cruisers heavily laden with armaments. A number of RSF militiamen proceeded to the market to fetch cigarettes though they refused to pay the trader, instead beating him when he asked for money. It was at this point a Lieutenant permitted the RSF members to loot the market, though once traders heard about the plans they closed their shops and informed the Commander of the army who instructed the RSF back to their Headquarters.
However, later that evening members of the militia returned to the market and begun looting. This led to a firefight between the RSF members and the guards protecting the market, prompting the RSF members to eventually retreat back to their Headquarters with the goods they had already stolen.
The next day the RSF left Manawashi to continue their journey to Rokoro under the protection of two helicopters. Following their departure, a number of shopkeepers approached the Commander of the army to lodge complaints about looting. The Commander failed to take any action and simply noted to the traders that the RSF had left the town.

The National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) detained four teachers from Kass IDP camps without charge. This prompted peaceful protests by displaced persons who demanded their release. The detained teachers have been identified by monitors as:
  1. Muhyiddin El Tijani, 35, teacher at Arli camp school;
  2. El Taj Mohamed, 33, Al-Jnobyah camp school;
  3. Sheikh Ahmed Abdullah Al-Mahmoud, 40, Shataya camp school;
  4. Hussein Abakar Ahmed, 32, Kuruli camp school.

A Janjaweed militia made up of Fallata ethnic militiamen numbering some 50 persons dressed in military uniform and riding camels and horses, as well as one technical vehicle, attacked displaced farmers in Assalaya village leading to the death of four people and the injury of three. Assalaya village is situated 10km west of Gereida locality.
The farmers were returning to their villages from IDP camps in order to tend to their fields when the Fallata militia opened fire. Monitors confirmed the following casualties:
  1. Makiya Mohamed Yahya, 25;
  2. Al-Khair Abakar Adam, 35;
  3. Yahya Mohamed Yahya, 20;
  4. Al-Haji Mohamed Ibrahim Ali, 55.
  1. Abakar Adam, 40;
  2. Abdullah Dodien Mohamed, 35;
  3. Daoud Abdullah Dodien, 20.
The injured were treated at a local hospital.

A member of the Sudanese Armed Forces assaulted and raped a 12 year-old girl from the Fur ethnic group in Showa IDP camp. The perpetrator abducted the victim as she left the confines of the camp and proceeded to rape her. The cries of the victim were heard by some youth within the camp who ran to the source, only for the soldier to threaten them with his gun before fleeing the scene.
The victim was taken to the local hospital for treatment and the incident was reported to the police.

Members of the Rapid Support Forces randomly opened fire in Deribat resulting in the death of a mother and her 12 year-old son. The militiamen furthermore assaulted a number of civilians on their farms. Monitors identified the deceased as:
  1. Shadia Haroun Ibrahim, 32, Fur;
  2. Bahar El-Dien Salih Hamid, 13, Fur.
Following the attacks, a number of families fled in different directions. Some fled toward west Jebel Marra whilst others fled towards Tabit. The incident was reported to the police in Tabit, though they informed that they were unable to do anything.

Four Janjaweed militiamen, dressed in military uniform and riding on the back of camels, assaulted and raped an 18 year-old woman in Kaja village, located 10km south of Kutur.
The victim was assaulted as she left her home to collect water from the nearby valley. The 18-year old was raped alternately by the four militiamen until she lost consciousness. She was later found by her family and taken for treatment at a local medical facility. The incident has since been reported to the police.

The Sudanese Air Force bombarded four villages over a two day period. The villages of Kura, Tarwadi, Taiba and Garlanj Banj, situated south of Jebel Marra and some 25km from Kass, were bombed utilising an estimated number of 30 barrel bombs.
In Garlanj Banj village, two children were killed and one woman was severely injured during the bombardments, which also destroyed four houses and the Sronq Grand Mosque. Monitors note that there were further injuries, though they were unable to identify exact numbers or to identify the persons injured. The following casualties were reported:
  1. Ayoub Hussein, 12;
  2. Qamar Al-Din Haroun, 8.
  1. Hawa Abkar, 30.

Janjaweed militiamen from the Fallata ethnic group numbering 10 persons killed one civilian and injured another in Munjarni village. The civilians were shot following an altercation over land rights. The militiamen claimed the land farmed by displaced persons for themselves and their livestock. Monitors identified the following casualties:
  1. Yahya Mohamed Abkar, 30.
  1. Adel Mogamed Abkar, 25.
The injured civilian received treatment at a local medical facility.

The Sudanese Air Force bombarded five villages over a three day period located to the south-east of Jebel Marra. During the aerial bombardment of Kali, Njama, Torintawra, Torintinga, and Turnjy, some 37 barrel bombs were used. The attacks killed 75 year-old Sheikh Abdul Shakoor Ahmed Issa and destroyed many homes in Turnjy village.

Four pro-government militiamen raped a 29 year-old displaced woman as she made her way to her farm in Jamiza Kawmura village, located 15km north of Kass.
The militiamen fired into the air upon seeing the victim and threatened her to stop. She was then alternatively raped by the four militiamen, following which she was beaten with sticks until she lost consciousness. The 29 year-old woman was later found by villagers and taken to a local medical facility. The incident was reported to the police.

Pro-government militiamen numbering 13 persons attacked farmers in the villages of Naqe Al-Aqarib, Hashabah and Abuddus, located 20km west of Gereida. As a result of the attack one person was killed and seven injured. The latter received treatment at a medical facility. Monitors identified the following casualties:
  1. El-Fadel Mohamed Ali, 35.
  1. Adam Suliman Sahrawi, 30;
  2. Mohamed Saleh Adam, 37;
  3. Adam El Toum, 25;
  4. Ali Umbda, 40;
  5. Musa Yagob, 38;
  6. Ibrahim Hassan Mogdam, 45;
  7. Mohamed Hassan, 22.


Members of the Rapid Support Forces opened fire on two civilians at a checkpoint situated on the outskirts of Rokoro. Al-Baqir Omer Hamid, a 35 year-old Fur, was killed instantly, whilst Yahia Suleiman Ahmed, a 25 year-old Fur, was injured and taken to an unknown location by the militia.
The two men left their homes in Logi village situated 7km to the east of Rokoro in order to attend the Rokoro market.

Janjaweed militiamen belonging to the Al-Shgirab ethnic group attacked Hasahisa IDP camp located 3km to the south of their encampment. In what appears to be an unmotivated attack, the militiamen opened fire on the northern side of the camp leading to the injury of two displaced men.
Youth from the camp were able to apprehend one of the Janjaweed perpetrators, though he was released under guarantee of his uncle who then allowed him to escape. Monitors identified the injured persons as:
  1. Mohamed Abdelkareem Abo, 65, Fur;
  2. Mutasim, member of the Civil Defence Police.

A group of Janjaweed militiamen opened fire in Mukjar IDP camp leading to the injury of two persons. The reason behind the shooting is unknown. Monitors identified the following as injured:
  1. Abdelrahman Ahmed;
  2. Siddig Daoud Ibrahim.

Members of the Sudan Liberation Army – Abdel Wahid faction (SLA-AW) led by Commander El-Amin Toro looted livestock belonging to the Nuweiba ethnic group situated in Wadi Toro. As a result of the theft of their livestock the Nuweiba members gathered and entered Kodi village, located 15km east of Nertiti and abducted six people, mostly secondary school students, from the village. They then threatened that the six people will only be released once the livestock had been returned to them. The abducted civilians are named as:
  1. Ahmed Abdelmanan, secondary school student;
  2. Ayoub Musa Ibrahim, secondary school student;
  3. Faki Al-Tour, Imam;
  4. Abass Mogamed, secondary school student;
  5. Mohamed Ibrahim Sunjok, secondary school student;
  6. Adam Ali El-Tahir, secondary school student.

Two Janjaweed militiamen raped a 12 year-old girl and assaulted two women, aged 26 and 31 respectively, in their farms situated in Nertiti locality.

Janjaweed militiamen kidnapped Abakar Mohamed Ahmed Taj El-Din and took him to an unknown destination. The victim is a 45 year-old member of the Fur ethnic group and is the Sheikh of the Alaomda district in Nertiti locality.

Seven Janjaweed militiamen under the command and control structure of Commander Hamid Ali assaulted an unspecified number of women and girls from the Fur ethnic group in Salo village, which is located in Rokoro locality.
The women and girls had left their homes to collect firewood when they were attacked by the militiamen. Most of them were able to escape, however, two, aged 16 and 18 respectively, were captured and subsequently raped.
The women who escaped returned to their homes and informed the local Popular Defence Forces (PDF) of the ongoing attack. The PDF mobilised alongside the villagers to attend the scene of the incident where they clashed with the militiamen. Three persons died in the resultant firefight.

Janjaweed militiamen killed Bahar El-Din Adam Abdelgadir and looted his motorcycle during an unprovoked attack. The victim was a 22 year-old member of the Fur ethnic group and was a resident of Delaig IDP camp, located in Garsila locality.

Pro-government militiamen numbering 20 persons dressed in military uniform and riding aboard motorcycles attacked Al-Hamidia IDP camp. They arrived into the camp and fired heavily into the air in order to terrorise the civilians. The attack led to the injury of a civilian, named as Khadija Sulieman, who was assaulted inside her home. She has since received treatment from a local hospital.

A Janjaweed militia made up of Nuweiba militiamen, led by Comander Isa Musa, threatened farmers in the areas of Wadi Afo, Wadi Malko and Wadi Barnor to pay a fee of 50 SDG per acre in protection money to the militias in order to be allowed to continue farming. The farms are located 2km south of Nertiti and the money was considered payment for freeing the land from the armed opposition forces.
The farmers complained to the Mayor of Nertiti locality. The Mayor took no action.

A 16 year-old boy was wounded in the head by a stray bullet during a wedding ceremony held at the home of Haj Khadam Mohamed Abdelkareem, the leader of a Janjaweed militia in Central Darfur. The wedding was attended by a large number of Janjaweed militiamen who fired into the air in celebration. One of the bullets hit Mansour Arbab Hussein, a 16-year old Fur civilian and resident of Al-Hasahisa IDP camp, causing serious injury. The victim received treatment at a local medical facility before being transferred to Khartoum for further treatment.

Janjaweed militiamen under the command and control structure of Fadul Al-Nagi opened fire in Fanci village, located 39km north of Zalingei, resulting in the death of a six year-old child named Omer Ishag Haroun from the Fur ethnic group.
The militiamen left the village to head towards Yakdola village.

The National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) arrested civilians from camps in Nertiti following their meeting with Donald Booth, the United States Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan. Though the meetings were held inside the offices of UNAMID, the following were arrested as identified by monitors:
  1. Siddig Adam;
  2. Abdulkarim Adam Abdulkarim;
  3. Nasreldin Yusuf Abdulrahman;
  4. Ahmed Tijabi Abduljabbar;
  5. Adam Mohamed Ali;
  6. Adam Hamid Adam;
  7. El-Rasheed Mohamed Issa.


The police arrested Yousuf Mohamed Abakar Yahia, a religious scholar, from his home in the Al-Shati neighbourhood of El-Geneina during a discussion on the teachings of the Quran.
The scholar was arrested following his criticism of the West Darfur state government and the Border Guards. In particular, he had commented that he held the government accountable for the recent attacks against civilians in Azernai, Um-Tajok, and Mouli, and noted the government had not taken any action in prosecuting those responsible.
Following the investigation, the scholar was put in solitary confinement for three hours before being released on bail. He was then informed that a complaint had been lodged against him by the Commander of the Border Guards, Lieutenant-Colonel Musab Am Bilou under Article 160 of the 1991 Sudanese Criminal Act.
On the 17th July, Yousuf Mohamed Abakar Yahia was called in by the police and arrested. He was first detained in Ardamta prison before being moved to Al-Huda in Omdurman. Upon his arrival to Omdurman the scholar was told by the prison’s Director that he had been sentenced to one years’ imprisonment and exile from El-Geneina. The decision had been taken by the West Darfur Governor in accordance with the Emergency Law enabling him to prosecute those responsible for causing insecurity.


Members of the SPLM-N attacked shepherds in the village of Wad Abok, situated in Bao locality. The SPLM-N forces looted some 3,000 sheep from El-Daw Alaajab Al-Sheikh having detained him inside his own home.

The Sudanese Air Force dropped 10 explosive bombs on Amora area, located in Gissan locality. The bombardment resulted in the death of 23 sheep and 14 cows.

Members of the SPLM-N attacked Ashra village, which is located in Gissan locality, looting 12 donkeys.

An SPLM-N force attacked civilians belonging to the Fallata ethnic group in Silk village, which is located in Bao locality. The attack resulted in the death of eight civilians, the looting of some 700 sheep and the destruction of civilian infrastructure and crops. The deceased civilians, three men, three women and two children, were brought to Demazin hospital and handed over to relatives.
Silk village was previously inhabited by members of the Ingessenna ethnic group, however they were forcibly displaced from their homes as a result of their perceived allegiance to the SPLM-N.


Three policemen assaulted and raped three women working as tea ladies in the Torog neighbourhood of Dilling.
The women were raped as they returned to their homes following work at approximately 00:00. They were stopped by the policemen who demanded to know what they were doing. Following which the women were subsequently raped. The women awoke shortly after losing consciousness and returned to their homes. The incident was not reported to the police.


The Press and Publications council prevented the publishing of Al-Jareeda newspaper for one day as punishment following a complaint lodged against the newspaper by the Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electricity.
The complaint was made on the 17th May 2016 following an article published on the 2nd May 2016 in the column “Behind the News”, which included language that damaged the reputation of the Ministry.   

Officials from the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) confiscated printed copies of Al-Jareeda newspaper at the printing press without providing any explanation.

The Press and Publications Court continued proceedings in the trial of journalist Al-Hodibi Yassin relating to an article he wrote concerning the sale of Ismail Al-Azhari’s home, the first leader of the independent Sudan.
It is expected that the court will hear from defence witnesses next month on the 10th August. The case has been open for more than a year.

The Press and Publications Court opened investigations against the journalist Suad Al-Khidir following a complaint made by the Omdurman locality Governor. The article, published in Al-Jareeda newspaper on the 18th June 2016, discussed corruption in the Omdurman locality.

The National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) prevented a seminar organised by the Sudanese Shadow Government at Tayba press venue on the launch of the Republic of Sudan’s Shadow Government budget

The National Intelligence and Security Services prevented a political seminar organised by the Reform Now Movement (RNM) focussed on the attempted coup in Turkey. The seminar was prevented as the RNM did not have legal permission to convene such a seminar.

The National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) confiscated the printed copies of Al-Jareeda newspaper and Al-Tagheer newspaper from the printing press without providing any explanation.

The Sudanese National Council for Press and Publications issued a decree to suspend the publication of Al-Jareeda newspaper for three days. The implementation of this decree was to occur within 48 hours of the receipt of the notice.
This decision was made on the 19th July in accordance with the Press and Publications Act of 2009. The Committee opened investigations against the newspaper when they were alerted to an announcement in contained within the paper that supported the position of the students and graduates of the University of Khartoum against the selling of the university’s premises to foreign investors.
In a letter sent to the newspaper, the Committee listed a number of legal violations conducted by Al-Jareeda newspaper. This was in addition to comments that the newspaper had neglected its national responsibility and that it had acted without honesty and integrity. They further noted the Editor-in-Chief, Ashraf Abdelaziz, failed to arrive on time to a meeting on the 19th July. Additionally, the Committee argued that Ashraf Abdelaziz had failed to deliver the documents detailing the identities of the actors involved in the announcement.
Ashraf Abdelaziz responded stating that he had arrived at the meeting following its conclusion and in response he had provided a written apology explaining the reasons for his delayed arrival. It is noteworthy that in all similar cases the apology had been accepted and that another date had been selected for the Defendant to put their case forward.

Riot police used excessive force during a raid in El Mahas Club resulting in a number of injuries and the arrest of 16 persons.
An estimated 60 riot police on board armoured vehicles raided El Mahas club in Khartoum, which was hosting a membership event at the time. The police locked the doors before firing tear gas into the building. They then stormed into the premises beating civilians with sticks and batons before arresting 16 people. Monitors identified the following detained civilians:
  1. Imad El-Dien Merghani Saed Ahmed, Lawer, Director;
  2. Ramzi Mohamed Fagiri, Engineer, General Secretary;
  3. Alam Al-Din Mohamed Hamid, Media Secretary;
  4. Moneim Awad, 47, Culture Secretary, sustained serious injuries and he was taken to Ibrahim Malik hospital;
  5. Mahmoud Soraj, 37, Deputy Financial Secretary, member of the police so transferred to police special courts;
  6. Samir Fadul, 62, member, beaten and injured;
  7. Amir Salih, 67, Assistant of the Director;
  8. Amjad Mohamed Ahmed Potros, 28;
  9. Sayed Ahmed Abdul Jalil, 34;
  10. Akram Mohamed Oshe, 32;
  11. Rasheed Abu Shusha, 49;
  12. Saber Abu Shusha;
  13. Nasir Cohein, 48;
  14. Mohamed Shams-Elela, 26;
  15. Saddam Abdulmutallab Sadig, 25;
  16. Salman Mohamed Salman.
All detainees remained in Khartoum police station from 19:00 until 03:00. The police then released 13 of the detainees. Two of which were released unconditionally, whilst the other 11 were released by regular surety after they were charged with article 68 and 69 of the Sudanese Criminal Act (disturbance and breaching public peace) without specifying an exact date for their trial. The following three individuals were then given a court date for the 1st August 2016:
  1. Ramzi Mohamed Fagiri;
  2. Samir Fadul;
  3. Sayed Ahmed Abdul Jalil.

The National Intelligence and Security Services called Hassan Faroug, a sports journalist and presenter of “Extra Time” at HALA Radio 96FM, in for questioning following a radio show he broadcast discussing the Sudanese Football Federation elections and alleged government interference.  

The National Intelligence and Security Services confiscated the printed editions of Al-Sayha newspaper and Al-Tagheer newspaper without providing any explanation.

The National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) confiscated printed editions of Akhir Lahza newspaper at the printing press on consecutive days without providing any explanation.


Police arrested a number of civilians in Al-Tadamon neighbourhood of Gedaref city following a peaceful demonstration on the 9th July protesting against the lack of government support following the destruction of homes due to flooding.
The following day police arrested a number of persons, detaining them for three days before fining each person 500 SDG. They further refused to allow family members access during their detention.

1     National Intelligence and Security Services (12); Police (5); Sudanese Air Force (4); Press and Publications Court/Committee (4); Rapid Support Forces (4); Sudanese Armed Forces (3).
2    Militias that SUDO monitors have thus far been unable to define. They may be paramilitary forces controlled directly by the Government, such as the Rapid Support Forces, or they may have a more irregular relationship with the Government, for example similar to various Janjaweed militias. The pattern and nature of the attacks lead SUDO monitors, victims and eyewitnesses to conclude that they are Government affiliated in some form, though not necessarily directly orchestrated by the Government. 

3     SPLM-N (3); SLA-AW (1).
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