Sudan: 116 Political Activists detained incommunicado without charge amidst violent crackdown on the anti -government peaceful protests since December 2018.

(19 February 2019)  ACJPS has received information on the arbitrary arrest and detention of 116 political activists between December 2018 and February 2019 for their participation or suspected involvement in the ongoing anti-government protests. At least three detainees, including 1 female have been subjected to six-month detention under the emergency law in North Kordofan and North Darfur states. Authorities have targeted opposition party leaders and members who are actively involved in the ongoing protest. Many were arrested during protests and raids in private residences and party houses.
Of the 116 political activists detained, 31 are members of the Sudanese communist party, 49 are Baath Arabic party members and 36 are members of the Sudanese Congress party. The detainees are being held incommunicado by the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) at their offices in Khartoum Bahri and NISS sections attached to the various prisons across Sudan including; Omdurman women’s prison, Port Sudan prison in Red Sea state, Shala prison of North Darfur and El-Fashir prison. No charges have been brought against them. ACJPS has received reliable information that detainees have not had access to lawyer or family visits since their arrests. Incommunicado detention together with the well-documented use by the NISS of torture and other forms of ill-treatment against detainees, gives rise to serious concerns for their safety.
Since December 19, 2018, there has been a widespread and an unprecedented increase in the cases of arbitrary detentions, where the integrated forces of the Police, NISS members and unknown masked individuals continue targeting peaceful protesters. Security agencies have deployed different forms of tactics including use of excessive and deadly force and beating peaceful protesters with the aim of creating fear within them.
A reliable source informed ACJPS that former detainees have been able to identify the unknown masked individuals and have linked them to members of the National Popular Security Forces established by the ruling party, which include former Mujahedeen and party members.  The unknown masked individuals, reportedly responsible for numerous arrests of peaceful protesters in cities of Al-Fasher in Northern Darfur, Kassala State, Al-Dain in East Darfur and in the outskirts of Khartoum State have worked alone or in collaboration with NISS forces, making several appearances in NISS vehicles amongst NISS members. They conceal their faces to avoid recognition. Sudanese government has always expressed interest in dissolving the National Popular Security Force unit to guarantee the lifting of economic sanctions imposed on Sudan by the US government since 1997 and to distance themselves from extremist militias that work with different terrorist’s organizations.
The continued incommunicado detention without charge, of detainees violates various rights including the rights to liberty and fair trial guaranteed under the Sudanese Interim Constitution, Regional and International treaties ratified by Sudan. ACJPS therefore calls upon the Government of Sudan to;
  • Guarantee the safety and well-being of all detainees and grant them immediate and unequivocal access to their lawyers and family members, medical services and release them in the absence of valid legal charges consistent with international standards.
  • Order their immediate release in the absence of valid legal charges that are consistent with international law and standards or, if such charges exist, bring them promptly before an impartial, independent and competent tribunal and guarantee their procedural rights at all times.
  • Respect the right of Sudanese people to peacefully protest and fully exercise their rights to freedom of assembly and association and freedom of expression, as recognized in the Interim National Constitution of Sudan, 2005.
At least 816 people have been arrested and detained  while 40 have been killed since protests broke out on 19 December 2018 across Sudan denouncing increase in prices of basic commodities followed by strong demand for the resignation of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.  On 29 January 2019, the Director of  NISS ordered the release  of all detainees but only a few of those detained were released. Security agencies have continued to arrest protesters and disperse rallies using heavy force. In our previous report, we documented the arbitrary arrest and detention of hundreds of activists including; opposition party leaders, human rights defenders, journalists, doctors and professors by NISS forces for participating in the December 2018 protest.
List of Political Activists detained incommunicado since December 2018, where information is available, dates and location of arrest and detention have been included.
Communist Party
  1. Abdul Khaliq Elteyeb (m), party member, he was arrested on 31 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  2. Al Hindi Mohamed Omer (m), party member, he was arrested on 3 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  3. Ali Saeed (m), party member, he was arrested on 27 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  4. Ammar Yousef (m), he was arrested on 31 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  5. Awad Abdul Baien(m), he was arrested on 3 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  6. Awad Alkariem Mohamed Eltahir(m), he was arrested on 26 January 2019 from in front of the Central House of the Party located in Khartoum II.
  7. Faisal Bashir (m), member of central committee, he was arrested on 26 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  8. Faiza Ibrahim Nooud(f), a member of central committee, she was arrested on 26 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  9. Faris Abdul Hai (m), he was arrested on 7 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  10. Fathi Fadul (m), member of central committee and the Speaker of the Sudanese communist party. He was arrested on 9 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  11. Fisal Ibrahim Shabo(m), party member, he was arrested on 7 January from Khartoum.
  12. Hashim Mergani (m), he was arrested on 8 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  13. Hassan Osman (m), member of central committee, she was arrested on 26 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  14. Hayrham Omer Elnoor (m), he was arrested on 2 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  15. Masoud Al Hassan (m), member of Central committee and political secretary of Khartoum Sector, he was arrested on 23 December 2018 after armed group of NISS raided the central House of the Party located in Khartoum.
  16. Mohamed Alhadi (Jedo) (m), he was arrested on 3 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  17. Mohamed Eljak (m), he was arrested on 2 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  18. Mohamed Mukhtar Mahmoud (m), member of the central committee was arrested on 26 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  19. Mohamed Suleiman (m), he was arrested from his home located in Alobid of North Kordofan State on 24 December 2018, and was subjected to six months detention under emergency law of 2007.
  20. Musab Mohamed Ali (m), he was arrested on 26 January 2019 from in front of the central house of the Party located in Khartoum 2.
  21. Najda Mansour Adam(f), member of Sudanese communist party, she was arrested on 25 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  22. Nora Obid (f), she was arrested on 15 January 2019 from Omdurman.
  23. Omer Mohamed Ahmed (m), he was arrested on 3 January 2019 from Khartoum
  24. Osman Gutbi Abdul Rahman (m), he was arrested on 26 January 2019 from in front of the Central House of the Party located in Khartoum 2.
  25. Salah Abdo (m) he was arrested on 28 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  26. Salah Mohamed Isa, he was arrested from his home located in Althura neighborhood of Omdurman on 22 December 2018.
  27. Sidgi Kabalo (m) he was arrested on 27 January 2019 from Khartoum
  28. Sidiq Yousef Elnoor (m), member of Central committee. He was arrested on 27 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  29. Tariq Abdul majid (m), member of Central committee was arrested from Omdurman on 22 December 2018.
  30. Walid Ali (m), party member, he was arrested on 3 January 2019 from Khartoum.
  31. Yahiya Mudalal (m), party member, he was arrested on 3 January 2019 from Khartoum.
Baath Arabic Party
  1. Abdil Hamid Ali Osman (m), party member, he was arrested on 27 December 2018
  2. Abdu Al- Rahim Fath Airhman Alsanjak (m), party member, he was arrested on 22 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  3. Abdulla Abdul Hadi (m), party member, she was arrested on 22 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  4. Abdulla Ahmed Al Hassan (m), party member, he was arrested on 6 January 2019
  5. Ahmed Ali (m), party member, he was arrested on 23 January 2019
  6. Ahmed Fadul (m), party member, he was arrested on 13 January 2019
  7. Ahmed Mohamed Khari, party member was arrested on 20 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  8. Al-Aboid Ahmed Suleiman, party member was arrested on 21 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  9. Aldi Khalfalla, (m) party member was arrested on 22 December 2018. He is the former Party representative on National Consensus Alliance of Opposition Parties.
  10. Ali Alayah Alsnhori (m), Party Chairperson, was arrested on 25 December 2018.
  11. Ali Bashir (m), party member he was arrested on 5 January 2019
  12. Amani Idris (f), party member she was arrested on 22 December 2018.
  13. Ana’s Elteyeb Hashmi (m), party member, he was arrested on 18 January 2019
  14. Anwar Mohamed Ahmed (m), party member, he was arrested on 29 December 2018 from
  15. Ashraf Abdul Whab (m) party member, he was arrested on 29 December 2018
  16. Awadallah Gasim (m), party member, he was arrested on 14 January 2019
  17. Bashir Elsadiq (m) party member, he was arrested on 29 December 2018 from
  18. Esaam Ali Hussein (m), party member, he was arrested on 14 January 2019
  19. Fath Alrhman idis Albushra (m), party member, he was arrested on 18 January 2019
  20. Fathi Abdulla (m), party member
  21. Gism Alsied fadul Alsied (m), party member
  22. Hassan Bakari Abdien (m), party member he was arrested on 25 January 2019
  23. Haytham Taj Elsir (m), party member, he was arrested on 22 December 2018.
  24. Ibrahim Yagouo (m), party member, he was arrested on 18 January 2019
  25. Kabashir Alzain(m), party member
  26. Khalid Mohamed Saeed (m), party member, he was arrested on 15 January 2019
  27. Mohamed Abdulla (m), party member
  28. Mohamed Adel Alkhair (m), party member, he was arrested on 18 January 2019
  29. Mohamed Ahmed Suleiman Shatier (m), party member
  30. Mohamed Alayah Abdulla (m), party member, he was arrested on 18 January 2019
  31. Mohamed Arja (m), party member, he was arrested on 25 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  32. Mohamed Dia Eldien (m), he was arrested on 23 December 2018, from Khartoum. He is the party speaker.
  33. Mohamed Faisal (m), party member, he was arrested on 18 January 2019
  34. Mohamed Hashim Alaalim (m), party member, he was arrested on 18 January 2019
  35. Mohamed Khair Abdul Monim (m), party member
  36. Mohamed Khalifa (m), party member, he was arrested on 2 February 2019
  37. Mohamed Osman (m), party member, he was arrested on 28 December 2018
  38. Mohamed Zakary Ali Dunkis (m), party member, he was arrested on 23 January 2019
  39. Moutaman Abdulla (m), party member, he was arrested on 11 January 2019
  40. Mujahid Ahmed Suleiman (m), party member, he was arrested on 31 December 2018
  41. Munira Said Ali (f), party member, she was arrested on 22 December 2018.
  42. Nizar Gadal Falih (m), party member, he was arrested on 15 January 2019
  43. Omer Shamoun (m), party member.
  44. Sadam Arabize Alfadil (m), party member, he was arrested on 21 January 2019.
  45. Salah Mohamed Al Hassan (m), party member, he was arrested on 23 December 2018 from Khartoum.
  46. Tariq Sidiq Kandik (m), advocate, he was arrested on 22 December 2018,
  47. Wajdi Khalifa (m), party member, he was arrested on 23 January 2019
  48. Yasir Habib (m), party member, he was arrested on 31 December 2018
  49. Zuhair Alamin (m), party member, he was arrested on 31 December 2018
Sudanese Congress Party
  1. Abbas Aalim (m), party member, he was arrested on 12 January 2019
  2. Abdul Rahim Babkir (m), party member, he was arrested on 11 January 2019
  3. Abdulgium Awad Alsied Badur (m), party member, he was arrested on 2 January 2019
  4. Adam Abdul Hamid Bank (m), party member, he was arrested on 14 January 2019
  5. Aid Abdul Azim Zaid (m), party member.
  6. Almahi Mohamed Suleiman (m), party member, he was arrested on 3 January 2019.
  7. Alrabee Ali (m), party member, he was arrested on 9 January 2019.
  8. Alshafie Mohamed Khalfala (m), party member, he was arrested on 11January 2019.
  9. Alzain Muhssien Ganim (m), party member, he was arrested on 31 December 2018.
  10. Amani Hassabo(f), the Chairperson of Sudanese Congress party, she was arrested from Alkfah Neighborhood of El-fashir in North Darfur on 11 January 2019. She has been sentenced to a six -months detention under the emergency law and is being detained incommunicado at El-Fashir prison.
  11. Ayman Ahmed (m), party member, he was arrested on 12 January 2019.
  12. Badur Eldien Khamis (m), he was arrested on 3 January 2019
  13. Bakari Gerbil (m), Advocate, human rights defender, he was arrested on 31 December 2018 from Khartoum
  14. Esam Khidir (m), he was arrested on 22 December 2018
  15. Fouaad Osman (m), he was arrested on 3 January 2019
  16. Hassan Ali Hamad (m), he was arrested on 17 January 2019
  17. Hatim Mergani Abdurrahman, he was arrested on 23 December 2018 from Unrwaba in North Kordfan. He subjected to 6-month imprisonment under emergency law 2007. He was transferred on unknown date to Shala prison of North Darfur to be detained in NISS section attached to the prison.
  18. Hussein Ahmed Musa (m), he was arrested on 23 December 2018
  19. Hussein Mohamed Hussein (m), he was arrested on 31 December 2018
  20. Jamal Ahmed Abakar (m), he was arrested on 24 December 2018
  21. Mahdi Rabih Barbar (m), party member, he was arrested on 16 January 2019
  22. Majdi Akasha (m), party member, he was arrested on 27 December 2018
  23. Khartoum Sector, he was arrested after armed group of NISS raided the central House of the Party located in Khartoum 2
  24. Mawia Khalid (m), party member, he was arrested on 12 January 2019 from Khartoum
  25. Mohamed Ali Ishaq (m), party member, he was arrested on 14 January 2019
  26. Mohamed Eldouma (m) party member, he was arrested on 9 January 2019
  27. Musab Alshafi (m), party member he was arrested on 24 December 2018
  28. Nehal Elteyeb (f), pharmacist, she was arrested on 14 January 2019 from Khartoum
  29. Noor Eldien Babkier (m), party member he was arrested on 11 January 2019
  30. Omer Yousef Eldigir (m), party member he was arrested on 28 December 2018. He is the chairperson of the party.
  31. Osman Alamin (m), party member he was arrested on 23 December 2018
  32. Osman Hassan (m), member of central committee, he was arrested on 26 January 2019
  33. Salah Abdo(m), party member he was arrested on 28 January 2019 from Khartoum
  34. Saleh Omer Alamin (m), party member he was arrested on 2 January 2019.
  35. Samir Salah (m), party member he was arrested on 22 December 2018
  36. Sheima Ibrahim Elshiekh (m), party member he was arrested on 25 December 2018
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