Sudan Democracy First Group Detainees Tortured to Death in Sudan

4th February 2019
During the last few weeks, the Sudan Democracy First Group (SDFG), human rights organizations and advocacy groups, issued strong statements and petitions to draw the attention of the regional and international community to the use of excessive force, including live ammunition, against peaceful protestors in Sudan. These statements and petitions have also called on the state and non-state actors to mount pressure on the Khartoum Government to stop the killing and the use of lethal force against the non-violent protestors. However, the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS), unabatedly continued its lethal aggression and branded new extreme forms of torture against protestors detained under its custody.
On Saturday 2nd February 2019, three young Sudanese males were tortured to death while under the custody of the NISS. This latest deliberate killing of detainees brought the number of deaths to date, to 57 since the start of the protest on the 13th of December 2018. Those who were tortured to death on Saturday are:
1- Faiz Abdallla Omer
2- Hassan Tulga
3- Ahmed Elkheir Awadelkareim

Considering the thousands of detainees under NISS custody, whose location is unknown and have no access to lawyers and family members, and the news about unprecedent type of torture that results in death, SDFG believes that the lives of these detainees is under great danger. Information on social media forums provided by some of the recently released detainees, reveals unique and inhumane techniques of torture by NISS in order to break the spirit, integrity and manhood of the male detainees.
SDFG calls upon all governments in the region and the international community to deliver a strong and an unambiguous message to the regime in Khartoum to immediately stop these extreme forms of torture against detainees, declare their whereabouts and allow the immediate access to their families and lawyers. SDFG would also like to reiterate its previous call for an independent international investigation into the killings and extreme torture of detainees, and the immediate arrest of and persecution of the perpetrators in a court of law.

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