Central Committee Of Sudan Doctors
13 Peaceful Protestors
Pronounced Dead on April 11th, 2019
A total of 13 peaceful protestors
were shot dead with live ammunition on Thursday, April, 11th 2019 by the hands
of the regime forces and its shadow militias. Detailed as below:
- 2 killed in Khartoum city, one at the sit-in location in front of Military HQ
and the second in Shambat area. Also 1 killed in Atbara city, 2 killed in Wad
Madani city and has been 8 killed in Zalingei city, Central Darfur.
That brings the death toll since the start of the sit-in on April 6th, 2019 to
In addition, there were hundreds of injuries in cities across Sudan, including
39 critical cases, 30 in Khartoum city, two in Wad Madani city, 4 in Kassala
city and 3 in Zalingei city due to the use of live ammunition targeting
protestors heads, chests, and abdomens.
CCSD Media
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